Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With


February 18, 2022


It’s 2022 and an interesting topic everyone’s been talking about during the holidays is keeping you at the edge of your seat. It’s play-to-earn NFT games! What better time to begin the mutiny of fortune in these games than now?

If you’re new to the play-to-earn NFT gaming platform and looking for the best options to start your NFT gaming journey, the ones below are sure to give you a quality experience.

Gods Unchained

Gods Unchained - Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With
Gods Unchained has been consistently at the top play-to-earn blockchain games since 2021.

Native currency: $GODS

One of the most popular play-to-earn NFT games as of this writing is Gods Unchained. It’s an online strategy-based TCG where you battle using trading cards, which are NFTs registered on the blockchain. The value of these digital assets is based on the game’s native ERC-20 token, the GODS token. These tokens exist on the Immutable-X blockchain.

If you’re into trading card games, Gods Unchained is one of the most recommendable ones out there. It’s not only play-to-earn, it’s also free to play—no initial investment needed to start. Gods Unchained takes you on a whole deeper level of gameplay where you get lost in the fun of making tactical choices as you proceed to build decks, level up your cards, and win intense battles with other players.

Participate in battles, earn and stake rewards, trade cards or hoard them—you’re free to do whatever you want. Your in-game assets are all yours! Here’s a more detailed guide on how to play Gods Unchained.

Alien Worlds

Alien Worlds - Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With
This incredible crypto game is currently making waves in the digital space.

Native currency: Trillium ($TLM)

The next on our list is Alien Worlds—an exceptional NFT game that speaks of convenience when it comes to ease of transaction. Its native currency, Trilium or TLM runs on several familiar blockchains including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), and WAX. All of the in-game crypto assets are minted on the WAX Blockchain.

What attracted the players of this game since its launch in 2020 was the ease of joining in. Unlike other blockchain games, Alien Worlds did not require crypto or the installation of a Metamask wallet to begin. That was perhaps how, as of October 2021, Alien Worlds was confirmed by DappRadar as the world’s most popular blockchain game—counting around 11 million daily transactions by over 700,000 monthly active users.

Alien Worlds has partnered with the following:

Alien Worlds partners - Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With

How to play this NFT game

Players discover asset-based NFTs in the game by exploring and mining in Planet Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (Planet DAOs). They are then given the choice to either keep or trade them, which is set in secondary marketplaces. You may also purchase your own land and charge a fee for other miners.

Besides exploring the planet and obtaining NFTs, players also stake TLM tokens to participate in weekly planetary elections and run for the council. You could even build your own NFT drops with other explorers, strategize on planet politics, and create your own games. As for the rewards, the players acquire them depending on NFT power. There are six different levels of rarity for these virtual Items: Abundant, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical.

So, if you’ve just started your NFT game journey and you’re into the exploration and mining genres, this one should fit the bill. Create, share and thrive in this extraordinary metaverse. Visit Alien Worlds to learn more about this game.

Crazy Defense Heroes

Crazy Defense Heroes - Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With
CDH is a tower-defense battle game like no other.

Native currency: $TOWER

Two of the famous genres in NFT gaming currently are tower defense battle and TCG. Crazy Defense Heroes (CDH) is a symbiosis of both. If this type of game is your speed, you would likely enjoy it. This play-to-earn NFT game was developed by Animoca Brands and utilizes an ERC-20 utility token called TOWER Token.

How to play this game

Players challenge their skills in over a thousand levels of intense defense combats against hordes of enemies across four difficulty modes, which starts from Normal—followed by Hard, Crazy, and Nightmare. As a player, you can use a wide variety of heroes, equipment, spells, and of course, towers.

What appeals to most players of this game, besides the great visuals, are the short battles. These might seem too short especially in the Clan Quest Seasons multiplayer mode where players get to team up with their online buddies. But, hey, you can battle as many times as you want and collect cards of different rarities as you go on.

On another note, Crazy Defense Heroes has a staking system but there’s a requirement for you to be eligible to share from the reward pool. You need to reach the minimum amount of avatar Experience Points or the monthly (XP) threshold. This means you have to spend so much time playing the game.


Townstar - Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With
This open-world farming game has what it takes to be the best NFT game of its genre this year.

Native currency: TownCoin ($TOWN)

Another game worth looking into is Townstar. This browser-based simulation farming game is developed by Gala Games, which means it utilizes the Gala coin. Being built on the Gala decentralized network and utilizing the Ethereum blockchain, the NFT items in-game can be purchased and sold on secondary markets.

Besides being a P2E, it’s also free to play and is currently in beta. So you are free to explore this game before actually investing in digital assets.

How to play this game

Items in this game are NFTs, which means the players will have to invest in order to progress in the game. Owning TownCoins furnishes the players with a chance to compete in daily challenges, collect TownCoin play-to-earn rewards, and get a higher chance at topping the competitive leaderboards.

The top players receive big prizes every week. If that’s your goal, you’ll have to compete in the daily challenges that unlock and gather TownCoin rewards. This game is not only a farming game, it’s also a town builder. Its core is to grow, manage, gather, and craft your way to building the most productive and efficient town in this metaverse.


Splinterlands - Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With
Splinterlands has been competitive in the crypto space since its release.

Native currency: Splintershards ($SPS)

Another TCG on our list is Splinterlands. It’s a community-built NFT game built on the HIVE blockchain that has become famous for its incredible utilization of the P2E concept and innovative gameplay. This game allows its players to fight against various monsters and bag digital assets that are traded over secondary marketplaces. 

Players can level up the prizes by combining multiple cards, which greatly helps in increasing their skills and winning matches to earn Dark Energy Crystals (DEC). Splinterlands provides passive gameplay and it currently has the highest social score in DappRadar. If that appeals to you more than active ones, then it’s the best time to play the game and start earning. More info about this game on another post. Check it out!


SecondLive - Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With
This NFT game was just released in 2021 and is already sitting on DappRadar’s list of top NFT games in terms of social score.

Native currency: SecondLive ($SLT)

Another metaverse called Second Life might have crossed your mind as you read this game’s label. Second Life, albeit similar in terms of gameplay, is a whole other game (not blockchain-supported). With the similarities in gameplay and the names, it’s easy to mistake these two from each other. If you’re a fan of Second Life and have invested in the game, in SecondLive, you get to own all the assets you paid for—from real estate to day-to-day items—for real.

SecondLive is a diverse 3D virtual space where you can customize your avatar to your liking, create your own content, and roam freely in various spaces such as shopping malls, amusement parks, galleries, dance floors, and so on.

This game aims to be the Binance Smart Chain metaverse and is already backed and promoted by this crypto giant and Binance labs. This big collab has allowed the game to make a ton of airdrops, giveaways, and partnerships, and they’re still going on. You can head out to the game now to earn free items, including the incentive token called Beans that you can stake to earn SLTs.

The Sandbox

The Sandbox - Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With
Everyone’s favorite P2E NFT game that just doesn’t disappoint quality-wise.

Native currency: $SAND

Another and more popular metaverse game is The Sandbox. With its high volume of downloads on Android and iOS devices, this game achieved a stellar ending of 2021. It’s currently on its first alpha test with the second one happening soon.

Even at its pre-beta launch phase, the future is already looking bright for this game as more renowned brands and artists are joining in. These industry giants include Adidas, ZEPETO, Care Bears, Snoop Dogg, ATARI, and even South China Morning Post.

How to play this game

Since this game is free to play, you can choose to roam free and enjoy your stay. But just like in any other NFT game, it’s always more fun if you invest and actively immerse yourself in this metaverse. You can buy your own plot using LAND tokens and decide how to best utilize it. These lands are NFTs that are tradable in the market, so you can choose to either sell them or make money out of them. Build something over them like a mansion, a gallery, or your very own amusement park. You can even create your own games and charge other players who want to participate. With its play-to-earn economy and ease in monetizing assets, this game is a haven for collectors, creators, and designers alike.

Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity - Best Play-to-Earn NFT Games To Start With
If you’re opting for a more familiar tested-and-proven crypto game, Axie Infinity fits the bill!

Native currency: Axie Infinity Shards ($AXS)

The last on our list is is the turn-based strategy battle game called Axie Infinity. This chart-topping game was released to very little fanfare in 2018 and didn’t gain much traction until the onset of the pandemic. Now, it’s one of the largest play-to-earn games in the crypto space. And it doesn’t stop there. It even became the top-traded NFT collection in the third quarter of 2021, toppling the popular CryptoPunks and NBA Top Shot and proving that NFT games are here to stay.

This Pokemon-inspired NFT game has witnessed a spike in popularity and has garnered at least 2 million daily active users across the world over the course of 2021. In fact, in some countries, NFT gaming has become so popular that it’s now accepted as a profitable career. Being one of the most successful NFT games, Axie Infinity has paved the way for players to succeed in monetizing their knack for gaming, especially in countries where there’s a booming demand for mobile games.

Developed by Vietnamese studio Sky Mavis, this game uses Ethereum-based tokens Axie Infinity Shards (AXS) and Smooth Love Potion (SLP). SLPs are what you will need to breed more Axies.

How to play this game

Similar to the mechanics in the Pokemon franchise, Axie Infinity allows its players to collect, breed, and train colorful creatures called Axies and use them to fight against other players. These Axies are NFTs you can exchange for rewards or sell in the marketplace, as are the in-game products and accessories. Besides these, you can also trade your Smooth Love Potion (SLP) with other players. You can earn these SLPs by winning in PVE and PVP matches.

Entering the game, however, requires an initial investment. From there, you can start playing and generate profit out of your Axies and other in-game assets. If you don’t have a budget for it yet, scholarship programs are there to help.

If you’re a Redditor, you can check out this r/AxieScholarships subreddit for up-to-date news on scholarships. For Discord users, check out these servers. We also made a more in-depth guide on Axie Infinity and how these scholarships work for you to check out.

This game is still one of the top blockchain games and it’s fairly easy and fun to play. It’s an ideal choice for beginners in the NFT gaming space. Learn more about Axie Infinity here to have a good kickstart on the game.

A little bit about Play-to-Earn

Play-to-earn NFT games have been leading the digital market last year and there’s no sign of it going down. This type of game requires the players to complete tasks or goals and unlock higher levels in return for rewards that they can monetize. These rewards are provided in the form of in-game assets or cryptocurrencies, primarily NFTs.

Of course, there are numerous other ways to earn in the digital space but nothing beats the entertainment one gets in play-to-earn NFT games. Many of the games we mentioned are also free to play but as with other F2P games, it’s always more fun if you invest. But you have to be careful about which game to invest in. Do your research on the games that pique your interest or visit our site for quality content you might need to move forward. Stay tuned!

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